Create a class Student add two variables: studentName and studentCode add two constructors method for object creation: first with no arguments second recieves name and code and assign values to corresponding variables Create a Test class. Test class contains main method. Create Objects of Stundent class: first without arguments (no name and no code) second with student name and code. Add a method, which return 0 if a student name contains 'a' use java api specification for java.lang.String and method contains(CharSequence s) Call this method from Test class. I add here one other example from for better understanding of method contains: public class StringDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String str1 = "tutorials point", str2 = "http://"; CharSequence cs1 = "int"; // string contains the specified sequence of char values boolean retval = str1.contains(cs1); System.out.println("Method returns : " + retval); // string does not contain the specified sequence of char value retval = str2.contains("_"); System.out.println("Methods returns: " + retval); } } Write an instance method contains that will be placed inside the Rectangle class. The method accepts integers for x and y as parameters and turns true if that x/y coordinate lies within this rectangle. The edges are included; for example, a rectangle with x=2, y=5, width=8, height=10 will return true for any point from (2, 5) through (10, 15) inclusive.