Exercise 1 (10 points). Nr 2 Input 5 integer numbers. Add NumberFormatException to avoid unsuitable number insertion. Place numbers to the array. Use loop for outputting the array contens. Use loop and calculate the sum of numbers of array Exercise 2 (+10 points): Create the class Multiply. Declare two variables and add two constructors. - First constructor do not recives variables (empty) - Second constructor recieves two vaariables This class must include a method for multiplying calculation. Make your two variables be private and write nesassaries methnods for resiving of result inside Test klass. Create this Test class and show how to create the object and call methonds. Exercise 3 (+10 points): Please create your interface, which declare the method used in a class Multiply. Make Multiply class implement the interface Moodustage liides (Interface), mis annab liitmise ja korrutamise käsud. Muutke vajalikud klassid alamliidesteks.